03/29 13:00- Opening - Keijiro ARAKI (Kyushu University) 13:10-13:40 Keynote Speech - Yong-Jin PARK (Hanyang University) - Yuji OIE (Kyushu Institute of Technology) 13:45-14:30 Hyunhae/Genkai Project Status - Jaehwa LEE (Hyunhae/Genkai) - Masaki HIRABARU (QGPOP/ISIT) - Kazunori KONISHI (APAN-JP) 14:40-15:20 Government Presentation - Kwangju City: Deok Jai CHOI (Chonnam National University) - KITAKYUSHU "e-port" PROJECT Jota KOGA (Kitakyushu City) 15:30-16:20 Technical Presentation - "Data Grid Project": Dongchul SON (The Center for High Energy Physics, Kyungpook National University) - "Measurement": Yasuichi KITAMURA (Communication Research Laboratory) - "IPv6 Remote Education": Koji OKAMURA (Kyushu University) 16:30-17:30 Panel Discussion - Expectations and Roles of Internet research activities between Korea and Japan - - Chair: * Keijiro ARAKI (Kyushu University) - Paneler: * Shigeki GOTO (Waseda University) * Hiroshi ESAKI (The University of Tokyo) * Toshirou Noguchi (Kyushu Power Electoric Co. Inc.) * Kilnam CHON (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) * Jeong-Tae LEE (Pusan National University) * Yong-Moo KWON (Korea Institute of Science and Technology) 18:00- Banquet